Ask him if. . .

I am upstairs at my little desk Sally Maxwell gave me, eating a very late lunch of garlic pizza.  Downstairs I left three girls and a boy--all sixth graders--sitting around our kitchen table, eating homemade nachos and earnestly doing their homework.  It's a party at the Cockroft house!!!

One of these sixth graders is a friend of Merry's from last year--the BOY--who recently asked her to the dance this Friday, a short, early affair that begins at 2:30 and lasts until 4:30.  He's a brave, sweet kid--incredibly polite, thoughtful, and SO courageous to come over to a house FULL of girls. This afternoon, Merry hid behind my back every time I said something that embarrassed her.  Which wasn't hard.  "Do you guys like U2?"  I asked.  "I've bet you've heard this song."  Merry withered behind me and whispered, "Mommy, nobody knows that song."  Well, one girl did.  And plus, I was just trying to move the conversation along.  I would have thought she would be grateful for the help.

Last night at dinner, Merry expressed her frustration at not being able to find topics of conversation to address when she is with this lovely, sweet boy.

"Say, Whatzup, C-Train!"  Martin said.

"No, Daddy," Merry blushed.  Then she tried lifting one arm and splaying her fingers like Martin.  "Whatzzup?!"  She shuddered.  "Noooo, Daddy," she said.  "I can't do that."

"Ask him if he's read any good books lately," I said.

"Ask him if he likes bubble baths," Bea suggested.

"Ask him if he talks in his sleep," Elspeth said, and then giggled.

I recalled my brother giving me similar advice when I was agonizing over possible conversational topics in high school.  My mother and father listed topics that were either totally lame or had already been covered.  Finally, my 10-year old brother looked up helpfully.  "Ask him if he likes green beans," he offered. 

That boy never kissed me and eventually I found out he was sneaking to another girl's house after school --and not just any girl.  My high school nemesis, Kim D.  Yes, she bore my name and she was not to be trusted. 

It's true that I had not yet asked that

boy if he liked green beans.  Maybe I should have tried that.


Country Girl said…
Ask him WHY he doesn't like U2...I mean, come ON!

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