Today:  Finished the rough draft of Magnificent Maple overview by chapters.  Read Daddy's Garden to a second grade class and led them in an art project (they got to be illustrators for a silly paragraph I wrote about their teacher and Ms. Cynthia Cribbage, who demands pencils for her monkey who is an artist and the genius behind Bowl of Bananas with Two Peanuts).  Martin breezed home for the first time in six months early with a box of doughnuts in his hand.  And now all would be bliss--Martin cooks kale and sausage for dinner and David Gray groans some of my favorite songs in a most sexy way on the player--except Bea is wailing because she's in time-out for whacking her sister.

And so it goes.  Charley jumps up for a little love, Bea weeps and wants a book, and Elspeth wants to know how to spell a word.

K out.


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