Lenten Prayer 4

It is the Castoffs Most Beautiful

My God
What is in the curb’s crook
but a peace lily as yellow as duck
sprouting beside buckled can & cigarette butt
left behind careless almost
but for strong striations in leaves
this astonishing color

And too there are discarded daffodils
by abandoned church parking lot
grape hyacinth spires
rising over crackling dead leaves
cast off by winter

Or those poppies
there on crumbling hill
among candy-bar & condom wrappers
Red as blood of saints
They lift
empty cups to the sky
They expect

to be filled 


Anonymous said…
this is lovely. thank you.
thanks, kara my love. I was on a walk the other day and kept feeling amazed at all the flowers that bloomed in strange and unplanted places--I've been buying flowers to plant in my garden and there these were, just blooming away--a sheer bounty,a richness of flowers! And then there was that peace lily I thought initially was trash--this bright yellow tucked into a crumbly old curb. I did a double-take.

Hey, I had a dream about you the other night. Baby's coming soon. I can feel it in my bones. :)

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