Your Daily Miracle: a Fresh Take on the Liturgy

Lately I've been collecting nuggets of child wisdom but alas, I always forget them before the retelling.  Still, I remember a couple:

Staring at the new school pictures, Elspeth told me, "I never smile with my teeth, because it looks creepy."  And then she gave me what was definitely a creepy smile with all her teeth.

This morning after breakfast, Martin read out of the prayer book.  Bea,who was sitting in my lap, joined in the communal Lord's Prayer.  Then she leaned back and muttered, "Jinks!"  She insists I have to buy her a Coke since we repeated the words at the same time.

As my friend Liz pictured it after I recounted this incident--the Priest finishes the liturgy and says, "And the People say. . ."

People:  "Jinks!  You owe me a Coke!"


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